Mobile Bridge

Greetings fellow builders! Here I will tell you about the Mobile Bridge.
I decided to make something that would be useful in real life. Something that could help after a natural disaster, or a war or something like that. So here is my Moible Bridge.
Here’s a view of the vehicle fully unfolded

Here’s the vehicle folded up. This is my favourite view of it because of the sloped hull that allows the bridge to unfold.

A view of the bridge from the opposite end

Controls (iOS):

Right joystick controls vehicle movement.

Left joystick is for braking.

VTOL & AG3 for putting down the small legs to prevent vehicle from sliding.

VTOL & AG7 for adjusting the ramp at the rear.

VTOL & AG1 to unfold the first part of the bridge.

VTOL & AG2 to unfold the second stage of the bridge. (Do not activate this one until the first stage has fully unfolded).
Not suitable for mobile devices:

Mobile device users may experience quite a bit of lag. If your attempting to use this build it is advices you turn your graphic settings onto low.